Rockport Memorial Hall // 1890

Rockport’s Veterans Memorial Hall was dedicated on Memorial Day 1890 in memory of the 42 men from Rockport who died in the war. The building at 7 Main Street is possibly the only Romanesque building in the town of Rockport. A total of 399 Rockport men enlisted for the Union cause in the American Civil War, a good portion of them in Maine regiments due to the proximity and the fact that a number of seafaring residents of the town at that time were originally from Maine. The building served as the quarters of the local Grand Army of the Republic.

The funds for Rockport’s Memorial Hall were largely raised by a group of local women known as the Ladies Memorial Circle. Upon the dissolution of the Grand Army of the Republic post in 1954, Rockland’s Memorial Hall was sold to the First Church of Christ, Scientist, and later sold into private ownership and is possibly a private home now.

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