Powell Building // 1921-1990

Even skyscrapers face the wrecking-ball…The Powell Building was among New Haven’s first building recognized as a “skyscraper.” Built in 1921, the commercial building is Neo-Gothic Revival in style with the two bottom stories and the two top stories are detailed in Gothic motifs, with eight more plain floors between. The resulting shaft-like appearance distinguishes the Powell Building from other contemporary commercial structures in the city, which are essentially heightened versions of various historical styles. The architect, Roy W. Foote, was among New Haven’s leading architects in the first half of the 20th century, largely due to his local efforts in high-rise construction. The Powell Building was erected as a speculative venture by Albert H. Powell, whose primary business was a wholesale coal dealership. Early occupants were professional offices and a bank at the first floor. The building historically was located at the New Haven Green, between the Victorian Gothic City Hall and Classical Federal Courthouse. The building was sadly razed by 1990 by the New Haven Redevelopment Authority, who were VERY active in town knocking down neighborhoods in the second half of the 20th century. It was replaced by the Connecticut Financial Center skyscraper, currently New Haven’s tallest building.

4 thoughts on “Powell Building // 1921-1990

  1. Marlin Williams December 29, 2023 / 9:11 am

    New Haven was once an industrial powerhouse, with the New Haven RR, Winchester & Marlin Firearms HQ’d in the city. The first investors in the Pennsylvania oilfields in Titusville & Oil City in 1859 were from New Haven. A ton of money was flowing into New Haven in the latter half of the 19th century, which is reflected in its architecture.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Buildings of New England December 29, 2023 / 3:09 pm

      Then urban renewal happened… It is a shame, the city would be even more vibrant today if it retained more of its 18th and early 19th century industrial heritage.


  2. cmleich December 29, 2023 / 9:57 am

    Much more in scale with its surroundings than its hulking replacement.

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